Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Reviewed: Blood for the Masses!

Posted in Boxing, Literary, Book Reviews, Sports, Boxing, Uncategorized with tags , , , , on May 31, 2011 by johndark1985

Hey Guys and Gals: This was such a good review that I had to share it!!!


Blood For The Masses

B.L. Morgan

ISBN: 9781612320205

Speaking Volumes

Reviewed By Kenya Dow

Official Apex Reviews Rating:  5 Stars

Hired to serve as a bodyguard for a group of exotic dancers, embattled St. Louis Detective John Dark soon realizes – much to his chagrin – that there’s no such thing as an easy paycheck. When the dancers he’s sworn to protect are suddenly kidnapped and sent back in time to ancient Rome, Dark has no choice but to follow suit in an effort to bring them back safe. Of course, having to go up against the likes of gladiators, emperors, voodoo priestesses, and powerful deities certainly makes his task a bit more difficult than he’d suspect…

With Blood For The Masses, author B.L. Morgan proves that he’s a literary force to be reckoned with. Featuring one of the most genuinely compelling anti-heroes ever to grace the pages of a book, Morgan’s latest standout offering is an instant page-turning classic. Short on pretense and long on imagination, Blood For The Masses is a solidly crafted fantasy/suspense/sci-fi thriller featuring a highly intriguing cast of well-developed characters – anchored by none other than the inimitable Dark himself. Despite finding himself immersed in the depths of a mystical ancient culture, Dark nonetheless proves to be quite the formidable opponent as he fights for a cause greater to him than any other – his own. With a trademark knack for creating truly riveting stories that never fail to entertain, Morgan scores again with Blood For The Masses, a thoroughly entertaining tale guaranteed to leave readers craving the next installment in what’s quickly become a can’t-miss series. Highly recommended.

What Have You Read Recently???

Posted in Uncategorized on May 8, 2011 by johndark1985

Hey Guys and Gals:

As an author most of the time what I read has to do with what I am writing or to gain some knowledge to back up what I am going to write in the future.

So, I am asking you what have you read recently???

If you are a writer let me know if it had something to do with your writing. If you are not an author let me know what you read, if you liked it or not and well … just what you thought about it.

To get this started I’ll give you the two most recent books I read.

I did mention on Facebook that I was reading The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Getting Published. The book was interesting and written in a clever, sometimes funny way so I did enjoy reading it. I did learn a lot of new things. The only problem I had with this Idiot’s Guide was that the one aspect of the writing career I need help on (Promoting) wasn’t covered in a way that is useful for small press authors. I have already done what the authors said to do and because I am not with a major publisher I got ignored. Maybe next time they could put in a special chapter for small press authors.

The other most recent book was one I intended on only reading a few selected parts when I checked it out of the library. But because it was interesting I ended up plowing through the entire book. The book’s name is Hollow Earth by David Standish.

The idea that there are actually people today who still do believe the Earth is hollow with civilizations beneath our feet is interesting in itself but all the fiction and theories ( pseudo-science for sure) that have been written up to support this idea is fascinating. I wrote the sci-fi/fantasy Land of No Return that takes place in the Hollow Earth (a world I called Inagi) but I’m not actually trying to say the place really exists. It’s just a cool location to set adventure stories at.
But there are people who do say the Earth is Hollow and there is an entire world beneath our feet. I’m just having fun with the idea but those people are serious.
Anyway, it was an interesting book. 
Can I use this book for research for a sequel to Land of No Return???
That is hard to say. I did find out that my design on an Inner Earth wasn’t as far-fetched as some of the ones that have actually been presented as non-fiction. Maybe designing worlds is not so hard after all.  

Well, just let me know what you have read and what you think about it.

I’d be interested to hear.
Take Care
Have Fun
B.L. Morgan
The Creator of The John Dark Books

We’re Blogging on Amazon???

Posted in Uncategorized on May 3, 2011 by johndark1985

Hey Guys and Gals:

Just in case you forgot:
This is Bob Morgan. I write under the name of B.L. Morgan.
In the neverending quest to find readers and actually sell a few books I will be adding a Blog to my author activities at
I really do enjoy keeping up with everything that is happening at Facebook, Twitter and Myspace but the reality is that all the time spent hasn’t translated into any sales that I know of.
To have a writing career I need to get the word out to the people who buy books. Hopefully, some of those will be on Amazon.
This post is actually a way to set up the feed to get it to my author’s page at Author Central at
So, there it is in the nutshell.
What I am at this moment is an author who needs readers.
Drop in to and search for books by B.L. Morgan. I am not the guy who writes the medical photography books or the Cricket player from England.
I am the guy who writes fast-paced, all action, genre-blending thrillers.
I am also the guy who occasionally writes the B.L. Morgan Boxing Blog for
You’ll find out that while I do not consider myself to be incredibly intellectual I am honest to a fault.
Stop on by and let me know what you think.  
As for right now, I gotta figure out how to get this thing linked to my author page.

B.L. Morgan

Cody Goodfellow’s Evolution Epic

Posted in Uncategorized on July 29, 2010 by johndark1985

Before I dive into this combined review of Cody’s epic there’s a few things I’m going to have to make clear. First of all I’ve got to say that from here on out reviews of books coming from me are going to be few and far between. The bottom line is that it takes time and right now extra time is something that I don’t have. Events recently have let me know that big things are on the way in the development of my own writing career. (I’ll let you know the details when the details have been finalized.) That means that I’m going to have to put on the back burner anything that doesn’t have to do with writing new material or promoting existing material.Sorry guys, but I just won’t have the time to do reviews any more.That being said, the reason why I am letting you know about these two books are because they are extraordinary. If they were not, I wouldn’t be doing this at all.
And now … ON WITH THE SHOW!!!This first review was originally posted at the Barnes and Noble website:

Radiant Dawn


Cody Goodfellow

Review by

B.L. Morgan

5 out of 5

It’s not often that I can say a book stunned me by its brilliance. This is one of those few times.

Radiant Dawn is an extremely strange blend of Apocalyptic novel with gross-out horror and military mayhem thrown in for good measure. The book was fast-paced all the way through, had fascinating scientific ideas, and incredibly bloody battle scenes. On top of that there are some really strong characters that after you get to know them get under your skin. You do care about what happens to these people.

If you’ve ever read any of my reviews you know by now that I don’t give plot points. What I will give you is that the world, the human race is in for some serious changes. Whether these are good or bad depends upon how you view evolution.

The changes, mutations, evolving or whatever the hell you want to call them, are being caused by Radiant Dawn.

Read Radiant Dawn! It is a fascinating, ground-breaking novel.

It’s pure exciting, gory fun.

I estimate in my life I’ve read at least a 1,000 books. Most of those books were novels in the horror or sci-fi genres. Radiant Dawn ranks with the very best of anything I’ve ever read.

Move over King.

There’s a Goodfellow who could easily grab the crown!


Now part II in Cody’s Epic of Evolution:


Ravenous Dusk


Cody Goodfellow

5.5 out of 5
It’s a 5.5 because this one is OFF THE SCALE!!!

Ravenous Dusk is a monster of a novel on many different levels.

There are characters who you genuinely care about: Stella Orozco a nurse with cancer who becomes something not quite but maybe more than human. Sgt. Zane Storch who also becomes something different and goes on a mission of revenge that changes him even more than he ever would have dreamed. Special Agent Martin Cundieffe who discovers that the agency he thought he was working for was far more sinister than he could ever imagine and some serious bad guys whose origins reach all the way back to the origin of the known universe.

Do you want wild, off the wall, gruesome battle scenes? You get them here.
Do you want crazy sci-fi scenarios of utter destruction planned for the entire human race? You got those here.

Do you want government conspiracies that carry world wide consequences? You got those here too.

You’ve got all that and a whole lot more.

Also throw into the mix some of the weirdest sex scenes you’ll ever read in any book, white supremacists gone wild, underground mad scientists experimenting on people, military madmen and totally brilliant science and you have a book that is essential reading for any true fan of sci-fi, horror or any good book.  

Ravenous Dusk is a monster: It’s a monster in size.(It’s a really big book!) It’s a monster in ideas. (The idea of the evolution of the human species changing direction is daunting all by itself.) It’s a monster of plotting. (There are several different story lines taking place at the same time and all of them are energetically handled with extraordinary skill.)

Do I need to tell you that you really should read this book? 

Cody Goodfellow’s epic of evolution  is unique. If you are a fan of good books then read it and enjoy.
If you are a writer then read it and learn, baby learn!
I know I learned a lot from Radiant Dawn and Ravenous Dusk.

Take Care
Have Fun
The Creator of The John Dark Books

America is Missing the boat on-Miss America

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on May 18, 2010 by johndark1985

I just saw the news story on the newly exposed racy photos of the new Miss America and got to say that it is alternately plain silly that the news media would care about something like this and sad that the country that used to claim to be all about free speech and openness now is actually all about conforming to a certain moral standard that no one can ever conform to.

First of all it irks me that every time this new Miss America is mentioned it automatically is stated “The first Arabic Immigrant Miss America.” In a day and age when America is supposed to be becoming color or culture blind the media constantly reminds us of every little difference that somebody has. It’s really unnecessary. Especially in a contest like this. Really, the girl isn’t running for President. She’s not going to be making major decisions. Unless it’s about what mascara to wear. It’s a beauty contest. Who cares what her cultural background is. Besides, just about everyone is in some way an immigrant unless they are Native American. It’s not easy to find real Native American’s anymore. Try it. You’ll see what I mean.

Anyway, that’s my little gripe about that.

Well actually, I guess I shouldn’t complain because the media should be just saying, “We now have the first Pole Dancing Miss America.” Let’s celebrate cultural diversity. This is probably just a part of her personal culture.
She’ll start a new thing in the Arab world, create a new stereotype. You gotta admit, it would be a bit better than the old one of Arab people automatically being bomb throwing maniacs. Now it could be that all Arab people really love pole dancing or at least watching pole dancers. Replace an old stereotype with a new one.  

Anyway, give the girl a break. She tried to win a contest that required good looks and a bit of athletic prowess. Sounds just a little bit like The Miss America Pageant. Except they don’t have pole dancing.

Maybe for the sake of cultural diversity, maybe next year.


Reviewed Withersin: Volume 3, Issues 1,2,&3

Posted in Uncategorized on May 12, 2010 by johndark1985

Volume 3
Issues 1,2,3

Reviewed by
B.L. Morgan

The highest rating possible.

There is a rather unique and infinitely interesting publication that you should be aware of if you haven’t heard of it already.

The magazine is Withersin. The editorial staff take a very off-beat outlook at what will entertain their readers and it totally works.

Volume 3 is divided into 3 distinctly different sections (or issues). The issues were Turpentine, Iodine and Arsenic.

Scattered among extremely interesting fiction and non-fiction stories are articles that detail strange and wonderful facts about the three substances named above. 

Withersin is a magazine designed to amuse people with a taste for the morbid and weird side of life. As it turns out, that’s people just like me.

The wide ranging non-fiction articles included interviews with Dr. Robert Schoch, author of The Parapsychology Revolution, world renowned Horror author Sephira Giron, and among others Mary Ann Winkowski spirit communicator and author of When Ghosts Speak: Understanding the World of Earthbound Spirits. If you don’t believe in the paranormal before you read these interviews then get ready for a conversion. These people give you the no non-sense truth on things that go bump in the night.

The fiction stories to put it bluntly: All of them were Bad-Ass!!! I thoroughly enjoy it when an author can make me jump. I jumped many times while reading the stories in Withersin.

Favorites: It’s really hard to pick from among so many really great tales.

Hermanesha by Richard Wright leaps out at me because it was just so subversive and evil. That must be why it was so much fun. 
The Cuculidae by Aaron Legler was plain wild and gross. It’s my kind of read!

There was also all kinds of really valuable information to be found among the articles. Things like why eating Beetles can be really good for you. Why you should be collecting Delirium Books. How Iodine was discovered. And last but certainly not least,  why you should not drink the water in Bangladesh. Withersin is a wealth of weird and wonderful information.  

I just loved the entire volume and will not hesitate to grab the next one.

One final note: Never, I repeat NEVER challenge Cellblock to a gross-out contest. Read Tales of a Taste Tester to find out why.


A review for Night Knuckles

Posted in Literary, Book Reviews, Uncategorized with tags , , , on May 6, 2010 by johndark1985

Hey Guys and Gals

If I can’t do a little bit of promoting of my own books while doing this blogging thing then what good is there in the world anyway???
I just happened to get a good review for my Zombie-western novel Night Knuckles so click on this link and hop right on over there and you can stop hearing me brag about what I write.
And please, don’t forget to buy a book.
Small press authors need each and every sale to be able to keep eating and help our publishers stay afloat.
Anyway, that’s enough about that.

Take Care
Have Fun
The Creator of the John Dark Books

Going to The Drive-In 3 times, Going public on-Blood On Celluloid, John Carter of Mars and Public Domain Properties.

Posted in Uncategorized on April 27, 2010 by johndark1985

Hey Guys and Gals:

I know that is a whole lot of stuff to put in a subject line but this blog has been banging around in my head for months and I figure I better get it out or (you never know) the head just may explode. 

Gotta relieve that pressure.
Last year I was one of the guests at KillerCon 2009. It was a fun time even though the career development that was the purpose for going never came to be. (I’ll keep my own assumptions on the reasons for that to myself.)
Me and my wife Judi met some great people: Our favorite couple had to be Pat and Jenny Smock. Jenny is published as Jennifer Carress. She’s the wonderful author of the Perverted Realities series. They are extremely friendly people and we had a great time with them. A down to Earth couple who are just as silly as me and Judi is. That’s great!

Also great to meet was one of my favorite guys to read Joe R. Lansdale. He was friendly and put up with me hanging around like the starry eyed fan that I was. He gave me a great deal on a book I had never been able to get my hands on either through a library or through Amazon: The Drive-In The Bus Tour. So, now I’m going to break out in Book Reviewer Mode:

First of all, all three books get a very big 5 stars out of 5 rating. If you want me to tell you about flaws in these three wild ass, off the wall, totally strange sci-fi adventures I’m not going to do it. Plainly put, all three books were fun as hell to read and that’s my main criteria for reading a book. Besides, I didn’t really see any flaws.  

The Drive-In (A B-Movie with Blood and Popcorn, Made in Texas.)   
This is the beginning of it all, where going to an all-night horror show at the drive-in does not end up being the fun time that everybody thought it was going to be. I am going to attempt to not give any plot details at all but to wet your appetites so that you do grab this book. All I’m going to tell you is that The Orbit Drive-In is ripped away from the Earth and all kinds of weird mayhem takes place. You’ll have to read the book to find out what the mayhem is and even then it’s going to be hard to believe what you are reading!

The Drive-In 2 (Not Just One of Them Sequels)
Where everybody gets to leave the Drive-In, but they can’t go home. The weirdness gets weirder. There’s dinosaurs, aliens and always popcorn. Guess Lansdale really does like his popcorn. The world just ain’t what it used to be for the movie-goers. This was a wild sequel.

The Drive-In: The Bus Tour
Where our heroes get a bus that they make float on an ocean, get (I shit you not)swallowed by a whale and maybe meet God and maybe discover the meaning of life. Is it fun as hell? Oh yeah. Is it inventive? Oh Hell yeah! Is it profound? Maybe.
I definitely recommend these books if you can get hold of them. I checked and there’s a few left at Amazon.

Now, On with the second act of the show:
Going public on: Blood On Celluloid-this is a book that I have gotten a bit of grief for writing and that’s the reason why I feel as though I should explain why I did it and why I will never remove the book. I have a niece that is an adopted child from China. When I heard what happens to a lot of kids from Asia and believe it or not poor children in America it really pissed me off. To put it bluntly, it’s wrong for wealthy men to sexually abuse women and children and get away with it because they have the money to hide what they do. That’s about as plain as I can state it.
I did a bit of research and found out that there are organizations that dedicate themselves against the exploitation of women and children. (Here is where I am going to get very vague because I do not want to cast any organization that takes on a task as hard as that one in a bad light. I will not name names here.)

Before I wrote Blood On Celluloid I wrote one of those organizations and informed them of my intention of writing a novel that has human trafficking as the main focus of the story and donating all the royalties from that book to their organization. Their answer was a simple, we appreciate any and all support.

I guess a lot of people say they are going to do something but never follow through. Anyway, to make a long story short I wrote Blood On Celluloid and it took me around 9 months to finish it. It was the only book that I had to force myself to get through. The way I write a book means that emotionally I experience what the lead characters go through. That time it was like experiencing a nightmare while being wide awake and going through it on a daily basis for nine months. By the time I was done with BOC I was mentally exhausted as far as wanting to write another book. I knew I definitely never wanted to go through that again.  

I informed the above mentioned organization that the book was done and got no response. At that point it didn’t really make any difference anyway. I didn’t have a publisher for that book or any of the John Dark Books so them not getting the royalties from nothing didn’t really matter.

Fast forward a few years and I landed a publishing contract with Publishing, a small press publisher who accepted all three J.D.Books. I still wanted to do some good in the world. (No matter how small that might be.) I attempted to contact the unnamed organization again. This time I got a response that said that because I have been published in the Horror field they didn’t want their name associated with me.


I wonder if they would have pulled this on a Dean Koontz or well any well known author. The bottom line is, every author takes pride in his work. Well known or unknown, we have to feel what we do is worthwhile or we would never get through the drudgery of what creating a novel is.  

I will state here that I am not ashamed of my work in the horror field. I consider horror stories to be hero stories where the bad guys are just so bad that they are scary as hell. At least that’s the way I do them. All of my proceeds from Blood On Celluloid is going to charity. I donate it to whatever charity seems to be doing some good in the world.

Because of my background of pulling myself up from a very dark place in life I have had people turn their noses up at me in the past. That’s fine, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it or will cooperate with it. In the past I have been very uncomfortable with talking about my motivations for doing BOC. Human trafficking is a hard subject to talk about or look at. Our politicians, the same ones who get elected by telling everyone how they only want to do good for people, pretty much ignore this. If BOC gets just a few people to take notice of this horrible problem then it will have been worth it.

I always sign the book: Fight the good fight, always!

That’s the way I feel about that.

On to the third and final act of the day:
John Carter of Mars & Public Domain Properties-

Like a lot of kids I got hooked on reading when I ran into a book by Edgar Rice Burroughs. For me it was The Gods of Mars. I spent a lot of my time on Barsoom because it was more fun to go hang out with the Green Martians and fight Blue Plant Men than it was to hang out with anybody around my own neighborhood. John Carter, Deja Thoris, Tars Tarkus and all the gang brought a lot of color to the drab existence that I figured my young pre-teen life was.

I read every book by ERB that I could get my hands on.  

Not only did I spend time on Mars but I visited Venus, Pellucidar, the Moon, and even traveled to Beyond The Farthest Star. I loved those places. I lived there and they became a part of me. I learned a whole lot from those books. Things like a sense of honor and justice that was black and white. In those books if somebody did wrong they paid for it. The good guys just about always won and the bad guys just about always lost.

It was predictable but so what. In a Burroughs book, the Universe operated according to rules that we all understood. Those books also imparted a kind of rough moral code that was simple and realistic. Do good as much as you can and always fight against evil. Although I have strayed on occasion I have (especially in recent years) tried to live by those simple rules.

Now on to rules that I learned as an adult and some information new to me: Every since I was a kid I wanted to add something to a series of books by ERB because of what he gave to me. After I started getting some short stories published I sent a letter to Burroughs inc. and asked for permission to do so.

I got no answer.

I sent an email asking the same thing.

I got no answer.

Interesting. If I have learned nothing else from all my years in the work force it is that to be a professional you must do the tasks that are not pleasant. If they didn’t want me to add something to an ERB series they should have answered and said why.

Now about the new information: Recently I met an author who was using well known characters in books that he writes and making a pretty good profit by doing it. He didn’t create the characters. They came out of very old books that were familiar to everybody. Using those characters created instant name recognition. When I asked him how he got away with it he informed me that the books they came from were in PUBLIC DOMAIN. (Those words are not all in caps because I hit the caps lock and forgot to take it off. I want to emphasize PUBLIC DOMAIN.)

Most of Edgar Rice Burroughs books are now in PUBLIC DOMAIN.

The Edgar Rice Burroughs books being in public domain means that I can do anything with them that I want to. 
If you don’t believe me just check out a recent movie by the name of A Princess of Mars that stars Tracie Lords. I’d bet anything that ERB’s relatives never OK’d anything about that movie.

If I should so choose to add (unauthorized) to any series by ERB I will do so. If I learned anything from my late father Bob L. Morgan Sr. it’s that if you really want to do something you had better do it while you can. As far as we know we only have one life to live.

Get done what you need to. 

And by the way, I do have some projects that I am currently working on so it will definitely not be this year before I get around to adding anything to an ERB series. If anybody wants to beat me to it and add something to an ERB series then let me know and I’d like to read it. I did enjoy the John Eric Holmes novel Mahars of Pellucidar and would probably enjoy other authors adding to any series that ERB started.

My own motivation is that I would like to give somebody an experience like what I had when I first read ERB. If I can do that, then all will be right in my writing world.

And that’s all folks!

Take Care
Have Fun
The Creator of The John Dark Books

Review: Reflections by Judi Davis

Posted in Uncategorized on March 16, 2010 by johndark1985

Judi Davis

Reviewed by


5 Stars out of 5

Being a published author that reads widely and continuously I was beginning to get the feeling that no matter what I picked up it was going to more of the, Been there, done that,” type of thing. I just hadn’t been really surprised by anything I’d read for so long that I didn’t know if I could be surprised anymore.
Thank you Judi Davis for rescuing me from my mental doldrums.
When I started reading Reflections something totally unexpected happened. I was hooked on the first page and each and every non-fiction story kept me entranced by the fluid and skillful telling of each tale.
I have never been a big fan of non-fiction. if I’m not reading for research then I’m reading escape fiction. Judi Davis’ non-fiction stories read like extremely well put together fiction stories in that I was getting full 3-D visuals along with surround sound descriptions.
I saw, heard and most importantly felt everything that happened in these stories.
Reflections is a collection of non-fiction short stories, literary essays and reflections on life.
All of them were put together by a highly skilled author. In fact I am envious of this kind of skill. This woman knows what she is talking about and knows how to express it so clearly that you always get the message loud and clear and always eloquently.
It’s hard to pick my favorites because each of these stories are done so well. Since I must I will go with Paw Prints On My Heart, Attempt #101, Call Me BJ and well I could make every one of them my favorite. I’ll just stop that chain of thought right there.
These stories are sensitive, smart, extremely well written and above all else brave.
We do need more authors in the world like Judi Davis; Authors who are intelligent enough to see the truth and smart enough to express it in language that all the rest of us can understand.
Reflections by Judi Davis is not an easy book to find. As far as I can tell it can only be ordered through I do highly recommend this book.
This is a book you should buy, read and learn from. Reflections by Judi Davis is an example of what excellent writing is all about.

Review: While She Was Out

Posted in Uncategorized on March 8, 2010 by johndark1985

While She Was Out Starring Kim Bassinger Directed By Susan Montford 5 stars out of 5 This is a movie that was a big surprise. I had never heard of it before. (I had read the short story by Edward Bryant.) My wife showed the movie to me at the store and I was like, “OK, I usually pick-em so I’ll suffer through this one.” Actually, this movie was dam good! It’s the story of Della’s really bad evening when she has to go out and get some last minute Christmas wrapping paper. She witnesses a murder and then has to fight for her own life. If I tell you any more I would ruin the rest of the movie for you. I do want to say that I never knew that Kim Bassinger was such a good actress. The performance she put on in that movie was phenomenal. Lukas Haas is great as a young gang leader as is everybody else in this movie. I must have said at least twenty times while watching While She Was Out, “Why wasn’t this one released to theatres and if it was, why didn’t it get any press at all?” Anyway, if you want a big surprise check out While She Was Out. I had a blast watching it. In my book, it’s an unknown urban horror classic!